Northern Territory Aboriginal Tourism Strategy 2020 - 2030 Update

Aboriginal cultural tourism has been identified by industry as a key priority for the tourism industry, which is reflected in the NT's Tourism Industry Strategy 2030 Update.
The Northern Territory Aboriginal Tourism Strategy 2020 – 2030 (Strategy) was released in November 2019, setting the development of the Aboriginal tourism sector in the NT. The Strategy centres around a strategic framework designed to unite efforts across the public and private sectors.
In 2024, the Strategy underwent a three yearly review considered the progress to date on identified actions and outcomes across the Strategy’s priorities and changes in the tourism sector’s operating environment.
The vision and mission along with the strategic priorities have been refreshed with guidance from the Northern Territory Aboriginal Tourism Committee.
The strategic priorities descriptions and goals have been refined to be clearly understood and are practical. New additions to the Strategy Update include:
- The Aboriginal tourism sector’s strategic operating and policy environment snapshot explanation
- Aboriginal tourism sector specific definitions.
Tourism NT will maintain responsibility for reporting and review mechanisms with the strategic guidance and oversight from the Northern Territory Aboriginal Tourism Committee.
Read the Northern Territory Aboriginal Tourism Strategy 2020 - 2030 Update
Read the Northern Territory Aboriginal Tourism Strategy Report Card YE 2023