Our vision

In updating our strategy, we have grown our vision to increase overnight holiday visitation to the Northern Territory to 1.4 million with an associated visitor spend of $3 billion by 2030.
As one of the Territory’s largest employing industries, estimated to employ directly and indirectly 16,300 Territorians or 11 per cent of the total NT workforce, growing the tourism industry is vital to building a bigger economy for the Territory.
The ‘visitor economy’ which is supported by the tourism sector includes visitors who come for leisure, business events, corporate travel, to visit friends and relatives and other purposes.
Performance measurement
To monitor the overall effectiveness of the strategies outlined in the NT’s Tourism Industry Strategy 2030 update, Tourism NT has developed a set of broad indicators to measure the performance of the NT tourism industry.
Tourism NT will use these indicators to track performance against the targets articulated in the Operational Plan it develops each financial year, in pursuit of the targets outlined in the NT's Tourism Industry Strategy 2030 update.