Sector Development

Changing demographics, consumer preferences and the increasing availability of choice have fueled growth in specific markets and experiences such as Aboriginal tourism, Cruise, Business Events, Education, Military heritage and Drive.
In line with the NT's Tourism Industry Strategy 2030, Tourism NT targets special interest sectors and develops experiences that meet the needs of these groups. While research on each particular special interest group varies, we know that visitors who travel in pursuit of a specific interest or for a specific purpose are more likely to stay longer, spend more and disperse deeper through the destination, adding to the overall visitor economy.
Key destinations and products in the NT are well positioned to leverage from the growth of these sectors. Realising this growth potential will require investment in product and market sector development, supported by effective marketing action plans. Building on the brand strengths of the Territory, including its distinct landscapes, experiences and cultural offerings, Tourism NT is working to adopt targeted marketing to promote high yield/growth segments with the greatest propensity.
While Tourism NT’s mainstream consumer marketing activities will reach many of the sectors, the aim of developing specific activities and experiences that connect the NT with a particular special interest is to create a sense of urgency for these groups to visit the NT.
Key sectors include: