
Tourism NT's strategies set out the strategic direction for industry development in the short, medium and long term. The strategic framework acknowledges the work undertaken across a range of plans and initiatives, and guides priority objectives and actions towards the sustainable future growth of the industry.
You can view the recently updated Northern Territory’s Tourism Industry Strategy (T2030 Update) here which supersedes all previous versions.
Other connected tourism strategies, including the Northern Territory's Aboriginal Tourism Strategy 2020-2030, the Long-term Business Events Strategy, a suite of six Destination Management Plans, an NT Tourism Drive Strategy and an NT Cruise Strategy. These plans and strategies provide comprehensive actions in particular areas that cascade from the overarching NT's Tourism Industry Strategy 2030 Update.
To grow the industry, the T2030 Update relies on industry and government working together towards the sustainable growth of tourism in the Northern Territory.
Prior to the finalisation of the T2030 Update, a roadshow of industry briefings was undertaken in six key destinations around the Territory. A recording of the Darwin briefing can be found below: