Minimum Tourism Amenity Standards

Tourism NT has developed Minimum Tourism Amenity Standards to assist regional stakeholders in improving the visitor experience by maintaining thoroughfares and central public facilities. This is a priority for all NT regions, as identified in Tourism NT’s Destination Management Plans.
The resource provides consistent standards for visitors as they travel across towns and communities in the Northern Territory and includes tiered benchmarks for towns and communities to work towards. The focus should be to improve main streets and/or town centre for the benefit of local businesses, the local community and visitors.
The standards address:
- public amenities and waste disposal, including bathrooms and picnic areas
- cleanliness, visual appeal, public points of interest and signage to assist tourists
- considerations into other actions which create the feeling of safe and welcoming spaces
- identification of other public facilities that may be required for tourist friendly towns, providing guidance for local councils along with NT Government funding bodies.
Regional councils are encouraged to refer to the standards when applying for grant funding to support tourism development in NT regions. For more information view the Minimum Tourism Amenity Standards guide.