ATGP Round 4
A total of 10 Aboriginal owned businesses and organisations across the Territory have received grant funding.
ATGP Round 4 Grant Recipients
Arltunga Bush Pub and Eco Retreat | Delivery of new infrastructure development to create a new visitor entrance for the Arltunga Bush Pub and Eco Retreat. | $30,810.00 |
Bawinanga Aboriginal Corporation | Delivery of Bawinanga homelands: Rocky Point, Ji-Bena and Djinkarr tourism feasibility studies. | $35,360.00 |
Gong-Dal Aboriginal Corporation | Gurrambalk self-catering accommodation - kitchen development. | $92,184.71 |
Gundjeihmi Aboriginal Corporation | Development and delivery of Marrawuddi Kunnbork’s events space. | $70,470.76 |
Kurt Tipungwuti | Professional consultancy services to develop new Aboriginal cultural tourism single and multi day tours in Ranku, Tiwi Islands. | $35,200.00 |
Larrakia Nation Aboriginal Corporation | An automated booking system for Welcome to Country, cultural awareness services and to support future cultural tourism activities. | $50,000.00 |
Luwungunji | Construction of a new five room accommodation facility at Seven Emu Station. | $95,000.00 |
Standley Chasm | Upgrades to the existing cultural centre building. | $88,227.27 |
Tarntipi Homelands Aboriginal Corporation | Water (bore pump and solar) infrastructure for Tiwi cultural tourism experience Tarntipi bush camp. | $77,853.67 |
Watjan Guided Tours | Establishing a sustainable off grid power system (solar energy) for the Watjan Guided Tours campground. | $38,450.00 |
*Grant funding amounts are GST exclusive