Create your own sustainability strategy

A sound sustainability strategy will help you to manage your sustainable targets, actions and outcomes in line with your wider business strategy.

Embracing sustainability gives NT businesses a competitive advantage, attracting responsible travellers who prioritise eco-friendly options. It also improves operational efficiency and reduces costs while minimising ecological footprints. Many sustainability goals can be achieved through a simple change in process or behaviour. Others require long term planning and investment. What matters most is that you make a start and keep progressing.

Steps to a sound sustainable strategy

Below is a summary of the components of a sound strategy. When you are ready, download our template and use it write your own sustainability strategy. Make sure to include your strategy in your accreditation, certification or awards submissions!

Image 15
What to write
For example

Your ambition or purpose

Your ambition or purpose
What to write

The first step in developing your strategy will be outlining your sustainability ambition or purpose.

Is sustainability a key part of your operations? Do you want to follow in the footsteps of your peers? Maybe you want to become a leader? 

For example

“Our purpose is to actively contribute to environmental, cultural, and social good within our operating region, and have the sustainable management practices to ensure success.”

“Our purpose is to reduce our negative social, cultural, and environmental impacts.”

Your vision

Your Vision
What to write

Your sustainability vision is an inspirational, future focused statement regarding your sustainability aspirations. Your ambition and vision will guide the high level direction of your Sustainability Strategy.

For example

“Our vision is to operate responsibly as we commence our journey towards achieving net zero, and contribute positively to the environmental and cultural landscape in which we operate.”

“We want to become a sustainability leader in the Territory’s tourism industry.”

Your strategic priorities

What to write

Determine 3 to 5 focus areas.

You may wish to use the 4 pillars of sustainability as your strategic pillars, or you may wish to be more specific to your operations.

For example
  • Sustainable management
  • Socio-economic impacts
  • Cultural impacts
  • Environmental impacts
  • Policy development
  • Local community
  • Aboriginal engagement
  • Natural environment and climate


Your strategic objectives

Traveller and food
What to write

This is where things get more detailed. Set measurable targets or goals that will demonstrate your progress towards your strategic priorities. You may set multiple objectives under each priority, separated by whether they are long, medium, or short term goals.

For example
  • Measuring our impact and aiming for continual improvement
  • Increasing local procurement and employment levels
  • Increasing our Aboriginal engagement and opportunities
  • Increasing our water and energy efficiency

Your outcomes

Horse ride
What to write

Your outcomes should clearly articulate what successful achievement of your strategic objectives will look like. You may wish to set 2-3 outcomes for each objective.

For example
  • Measuring sustainability performance annually and noting comparative improvements, year on year.
  • A supply chain that supports local suppliers.
  • An increase in the number of Aboriginal guides.
  • Decreasing energy and water consumption.

Your initiatives and projects

Woman painting
What to write

These are your actionable initiatives that will enable your business to achieve your strategic objectives. Draw on the action items identified in the Become sustainable section. These initiatives and projects should be broken down into short, mid and long term to keep you on track and accountable.

For example
  • Install a rainwater harvesting system.
  • Create a sustainability page on website.
  • Implement a training schedule for staff, focused on their career development.

Create your own sustainability strategy

Use our template to help you identify and manage your targets, actions and outcomes, in line with your wider business strategy.  

Download your sustainability strategy template

Your sustainable travel toolkit

Save your own toolkit with all the information, tips and tools to become a sustainable travel provider.   

Download your sustainable travel toolkit

Page last updated on 23 May 2024