Northern Territory brand

The Northern Territory brand strengthens the Territory’s position and awareness as a tourist destination.
In September 2019, Tourism NT launched its new brand, replacing the Do the NT logo and tagline. This brand refresh allowed the Northern Territory to update its positioning and tourism marketing to reflect the changing needs and behaviours of consumers.
The Northern Territory brand represents the best of what the Territory has to offer; our unique stories, images capturing our experiences and the emotions they create, with a refreshed logo and colour palette that positions the Territory as inviting and appealing.
What is the Northern Territory brand?
The key message behind the new brand is the Northern Territory is truly unlike any place on Earth, a place where you don't just observe it, you feel it through every sense. The Northern Territory is different in every sense.
A narrative has been developed that represents the new brand:
The Northern Territory is the type of place where the sheer magnitude forces us to feel free and that anything is possible.
The multi-sensory experience transcends the physical and connects you to the land, the ancient culture and the people.
The Northern Territory empowers everyone who enters within to disconnect from their hectic, always-on lifestyle and reconnect to what matters.
And, because it is a place that offers a difference across all the senses, it emboldens the people who travel within to feel an openness and freedom within themselves.
In all conversations with stakeholders, connection to country, a sense of freedom and the people were all identified as making the Territory a unique and authentic experience that invigorates all senses.
Who determined the new brand?
The Northern Territory tourism brand refresh was the result of comprehensive testing and research undertaken by Tourism NT.
The testing, focus groups and stakeholder workshops saw 4000 hours of research conducted, with marketing testing occurring in Australia and all key international markets. Significant work also ensured the new brand aligned closely with the Northern Territory Government Masterbrand, Boundless Possible as well as Tourism Australia's marketing position.
How to use the Northern Territory brand
Local tourism operators are strongly encouraged to support and use the brand across their own business to ensure the Territory is represented in a consistent way to consumers.
For more information, download the Northern Territory Brand Fact Sheet here.
To start your journey, download the comprehensive Industry Toolkit here.
Download an Introduction to the Brand here.
Find out how to use the Brand Regions Colour Palette here.
To apply to use the logo, download the Logo Application Form here.
More Information
For more information discover How to use the Northern Territory brand here.
You can also visit the Industry section of the website to access additional information and support mechanisms for your business.