Aboriginal Tourism Development Support Grant Program Round 1
Grant recipients are
Injalak Arts & Crafts Aboriginal Corporation | Injalak Arts & Crafts Association documentation for essential arts centre (Lot 383, Gunbalanya NT 0822) improvements. | $30,000.00 |
Rayleen Bernadette Brown | Kungkas Can Cook 5 year tourism strategic and development plan. | $21,292.73 |
Djilpin Arts Aboriginal Corporation | Djilpin Arts Aboriginal Corporation strategic and development dive year Aboriginal cultural tourism plan | $24,850.00 |
Djerrkura, Nathan Murrurindji | Buymarr getaways tourism business, infrastructure and land tenure planning. | $29,865.00 |
Kings Narrative Pty Ltd | Kings Narrative cultural tourism strategic plan | $26,667.00 |
Ikuntji Artists Aboriginal Corporation | Ikuntji Artists Aboriginal Corporation strategic cultural tourism planning | $12,750.00 |
J.R. Bonson & I. Schreiner | Mamulbak Culture Centre and Tours - Professional business plan proposal | $20,000.00 |
Victor Cooper | Ayal Aboriginal Tours business plan and pre-feasibility study | $29,900.00 |
Rirratjingu Aboriginal Corporation | Feasibility and pricing Assessment for tourism services in Yirrkala | $29,810.00 |
Werenbun Association Aboriginal Corporation | Werenbun Association Aboriginal Corporation tourism strategy | $18,000.00 |
*Grant funding amounts are GST exclusive