Rise of electric
Electric Vehicles (EVs) in Australia will be commonplace in the not too distant future. The Australian Electric Vehicle Council forecast that by 2030, one third of all cars in Australia will be electric and this increases to half by 20351
- A survey carried out by the Council in 2020 shows that 56% of respondents would consider purchasing an electric vehicle as their next vehicle, representing a steady increase from 48% in 2018 and 53% in 20192
- The Australian Government has released a National Electric Vehicle Strategy and is moving towards the introduction of vehicle fuel efficiency standards and improved carbon emissions schemes, and the NT Government has committed to more sustainable transport options through an Electric Vehicle Strategy and Implementation Plan 2021 – 2026.
There are a number of ways you can participate in or support the transition to EVs in the Territory, depending on your operations, location, size and budget. You can begin by sharing EV information with your visitors, progress by installing an EV charging station, and finally invest in a single EV or transition to an EV fleet.
There are a number of different types of charging stations and suppliers:
- Level 1 – AC trickle charging
- Level 2 – AC fast charging
- Level 3 – DC rapid charging
1 Annual Report, Australian Electric Vehicle Council, December 2020.
2 State of Electric Vehicles, Australian Electric Vehicle Council, 2020.

Get started
In order to get started on your path towards becoming a sustainable tourism business, we have identified key areas of emphasis and provided actionable measures to implement sustainable practices within your operations.
- Create a safe and accessible culture for staff carpooling using simple methods such as an expression of interest list on your staff noticeboard.
- Set up a secure area for staff and visitors to safely store and maintain their bicycles. Can you also provide storage and shower facilities?
- Provide hire or free loan bicycles for your visitors.
- Display signage or provide clear, accessible information to visitors about public transport options.
- Educate visitors about packing light to reduce fuel consumption. Send them an email prior to their arrival or add a sustainability page to your website.
- Include information on your website about how travellers can make low impact choices as they embark on their journey to reach you.

Take further action
The below checklist is designed to stimulate your imagination and motivate you to adopt inventive approaches that promote environmental stewardship, uplift local communities, and offer authentic and responsible travel experiences.
- Ease anxiety about the location and type of EV charging stations available in your region by linking to the EV Council’s Australian EV Charger Map from your website.
- Consider installing an EV charging station. If so, research which type of charging station and supplier is best suited to you, your budget and your visitors’ needs.
- Look out for EV grants and incentives from government and industry bodies, along with opportunities for partnerships and collaboration.
- Consider how the installation of an EV charging station will impact your sustainability, including increases in energy costs, opportunities for diversification, and whether infrastructure upgrades are required.
- EV charging may take between 15 minutes to a few hours, or even overnight. If you install a charging station, consider how you can enhance the visitor experience for motorists waiting for charge.
- EV drive routes are being developed across the country. If you install an EV charging station ensure you let relevant government and industry bodies know, so you can take advantage of promotional and development opportunities!
- Develop a strategy to invest in a single EV or transition your fleet to EVs. It will significantly reduce your emissions and contribute to your sustainability goals.
Net zero (also known as carbon neutral) means you do not emit more carbon than you sequester. This is achieved by balancing a measured amount of carbon released through operations with an equivalent amount sequestered or offset.
An emission of something, such as gas or vapor, is the release of it into the atmosphere.
A specific set of gas emission associated with human activities that alter the Earth’s climate are called greenhouse gas emissions.