Work Hard Play Hard campaign begins

image of camping 4WD with graphics and couple on rock

A brand new dedicated working holiday maker campaign for the Territory has officially kicked-off today. The campaign, WORK HARD, PLAY HARD aims to attract tourism and hospitality workers to the Territory through offering a special NT Work Perks travel incentive. 

A limited number of $500 NT Work Perks travel codes are up for grabs, which can be redeemed at one of the Territory’s visitor information centres. 

The WORK HARD, PLAY HARD campaign is in market from today up until the end of July, and it targets tourism and hospitality workers already in Australia. Tourism NT are also undertaking in-market activities to bring the Territory to the front of mind for working holiday makers in the UK and Germany.

In addition to the NT Work Perks travel codes, Tourism NT have partnered with Job Shack NT to create a new Territory wide jobs portal for Territory tourism and hospitality businesses looking for short-term workers. The portal will advertise businesses hospitality, travel and tourism jobs for free. 

To be eligible for a an NT Work Perks travel code workers need to be over 18 years of age, apply for and successfully fill an eligible tourism or hospitality role through the Job Shack NT website, and complete a minimum number of hours over at least eight weeks in the NT.

Tourism and hospitality businesses wanting their product or experience to be included in the NT Work Perks travel incentive should contact their local Regional Tourist Organisation or visit the website to submit and update their jobs. 

To apply for a job, find out more about the NT Work Perks and plan your tourism experience visit

Tourism and hospitality businesses wanting to learn more about how to get involved can visit  

Page last updated on 27 March 2023