Tourism Towards 2030 Conference - book now!

tourism towards 2030

Tourism NT in partnership with Tourism Top End and Tourism Central Australia are pleased to present the annual Tourism Towards 2030 Conference.

Tickets are now on sale for this year's Towards Tourism 2030 Conference. The event held in Alice and Darwin, provides tourism operators with the opportunity to learn, network and come away with tips that can be implemented across your business.

This year, the Tourism Towards 2030 Conference looks at ‘Leaps in innovation’ and will be held in Alice Springs on Tuesday 27 February 2024 and in Darwin on Thursday 29 February 2024.

Topics featured in the program include:

  • Customer focus and activating innovation
  • Leap into artificial intelligence (AI)
  • The importance of reviews  
  • Tourism Australia insights 
  • Marketing the Territory.

Participants will hear from Gus Balbontin who is globally recognised for his influence in developing cutting edge products and technologies for companies including Google X, Nokia, Apple and Amazon.  As a current investor founder, and owner of a creative studio, he is involved heavily in educating the next cohort of entrepreneurs and corporate innovators.

Gus will discuss ‘Customer focus and activating innovation’. The power of simplifying innovation; moving from an unsolved problem to a solved problem. Learn practical tools to help turn the often vague concept of innovation into immediate action. 

The other keynote speaker is Dave King, a passionate entrepreneur and strategist in the fields of creativity, emerging technology and research and development. He is founder of artificial intelligence start up Move 37, which explores how Artificial Intelligence (AI) will impact the way we work, create and think.

Dave will share AI best practices, provide case studies and practical examples that you can implement in your business’ day-to-day workflow.

If you’re involved in tourism in the Territory, then this conference is not to be missed! 

Tickets: $40 including lunch, refreshments and networking drinks.

Visit to book.

Page last updated on 11 January 2024