Second Round of Roadhouse to Recovery Recipients

couple sitting on bonnet of 4WD in remote location

More than $8 million will be injected into the Territory economy, with the second round of Roadhouse to Recovery Grant recipients announced. 

More than $8 million will be injected into the Territory economy, with the second round of Roadhouse to Recovery Grant recipients announced. 

A total of 39 regional and remote wayside inn, caravan park and roadhouse operators will collectively receive $4.9 million in grant funding to carry out infrastructure projects and upgrades to improve customer experience.

The upgrades will boost the experience for holiday makers who are increasingly taking to the road to support the Territory’s booming drive tourism market.

Highlight projects in this round of recipients include:

  • Purple Mango Café & Brewery: located in Marrakai, the business will construct two cabins with ensuites to improve onsite accommodation.
  • Tumbling Waters Holiday Park: located near Berry Springs, the business will construct a new ablutions block and swimming pool.
  • Devils Marbles Hotel: located south of Tennant Creek, the business will install an additional cabin and upgrade an existing ablution block
  • Ooramina Station: located south of Alice Springs, the business will install a heated swimming pool and landscape the surrounds to provide additional services to accommodation.

The Territory Government has invested more than $3.5 million for 28 projects in the Top End, and more than $1.3 million for 11 projects in the Territory’s Central region.

The Roadhouse to Recovery Grant offered payments of up to $150,000 to undertake infrastructure projects to improve their facilities.

As part of the initiative, operators are required to provide a cash contribution, with each $1 invested by the operator receiving $3 from the Government.

In this round, operators have invested more than $3.4 million, which will generate more than $8.4 million of work for local tradies and businesses. 

To view the full list of recipients, please visit:

Page last updated on 11 October 2021