Cruising crucial to bumper off season

image of Glen Hingley with Nicole Manison

The Northern Territory today welcomed the Westerdam on its maiden voyage to Darwin last Thursday, 12 January 2023, giving a major economic boost to local retailers, as well as tourism and hospitality operators.

Docked at the Port of Darwin, the nearly 2,000 passengers and 800 crew on board had to opportunity to disembark and explore Darwin.

On shore activities included various half day tours and visits to hospitality and retail venues as well as local tourist attractions.  

The Westerdam spent Christmas in New Zealand before travelling up the East Coast of Australia, and arriving in  Darwin for the first time.

Cruising provides a crucial economic boost during the quieter visitor months between October and April, with 50,000 passengers sailing into town.

Pre pandemic figures show cruise passengers contribute $60 million of annual expenditure within the Northern Territory.

The Northern Territory Government has implemented the Cruise Tourism Strategy 2022-2025 to identify the roadmap to increase both cruise liners and expedition ships over the next 3 years.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Tourism and Hospitality, Nicole Manison:

“We love it when a new cruise ship visits Darwin, because we know it means thousands of people from around the world get to see our beautiful city.

"And in our traditionally quieter months, it gives our retailers a bump in sales, puts diners in our restaurants and brings tourists to our experienced operators.

"A thriving tourism market all year round, boosted by our cruise ship visitors, means a strong industry and well-paying jobs for Territorians.”

Page last updated on 27 March 2023