Achieving an inclusive and accessible tourism industry

Tourism NT is supporting local operators to increase the Territory’s accessible tourism offerings through a range of new initiatives and supports.
The Tourism NT Accessible Tourism Plan outlines steps to achieving a more inclusive and accessible tourism industry in the NT and how to get involved.
Tourism NT, Senior Director Tourism Business Development, Leanne Paige said operators could jump online to learn more about how they can expand offerings for people with a disability, making the Territory an even more attractive destination.
“We want to increase the tourism industry’s confidence in marketing their accessible offerings, empower hospitality businesses to develop accessible products, events and experiences, and increase bookable accessible product and experiences,” she said.
“New imagery has been added to Tourism NT’s image gallery, offering a selection of images and video content to help showcase the Territory as an inclusive and accessible destination. Our website now features an accessible itineraries page showcasing some of the best accessible options in the NT and we’ve granted over $250,000 to five projects in the Top End and three in Central Australia to develop accessible tourism offerings.”
It is estimated 20 per cent of Australian adults have a disability or long-term health condition, which is predicted to grow, particularly as the population ages.
“That’s why we’re making accessible tourism content feature on our consumer website so businesses, events and other tourist attractions can be featured across the consumer website with an up-to-date listing for all to find,” Ms Paige said.
To discuss opportunities and ideas around developing the NT’s accessible tourism visitor experiences, contact the Department of Industry Tourism and Trade via [email protected] or phoning 08 8999 5194.