Aboriginal Tourism Grants expanded
Round 4 of the Aboriginal Tourism Grant Program opened today, Monday 29 August, with an even bigger funding pool of $1 million in total.
This time the program has been expanded to enable NT Aboriginal owned businesses and organisations who are interested in diversifying into the tourism sector to apply.
Previous rounds have only been open to NT Aboriginal owned and operated tourism enterprises.
Now NT Aboriginal owned businesses can apply for support between $30,000 and $100,000 to:
- Develop and activate new bookable Aboriginal cultural tourism products or experiences and;
- Build stronger visitor experiences that encourage visitors to travel to the NT and stay longer
Funding can also be used to upgrade or develop new infrastructure or develop new products such as on country accommodation or evening culture experiences.
To learn more and view guidelines visit www.tourismnt.com.au/industry-toolkit/grants-funding/aboriginal-tourism-grant-program-round-4 or to apply grantsnt.nt.gov.au/grants/aboriginal-tourism-grant-program-round-4
Applications close 14 October 2022.
Quotes from Minister for Tourism and Hospitality Nicole Manison:
“Our vision for the Northern Territory Aboriginal Tourism Strategy is for the Territory to be the undeniable Australian leader in the Aboriginal tourism sector by 2030.
"The three previous funding rounds have supported 37 NT Aboriginal tourism businesses to develop exciting projects, including entry enhancements through commissioned art works and murals at the Iltja Ntjarra Many Hands Art Centre and support for the commissioning of Pukumani poles to welcome visitors at the Tiwi Design bridge entrance.
"Supporting Aboriginal Tourism means developing well-paying local jobs right across the Territory.”
Quotes from Chair of the Aboriginal Tourism Committee Paul Ah Chee Ngala:
“In addition to improving the visitor experience with more cultural experiences and products for visitors to enjoy, the Aboriginal Tourism grants are contributing towards developing sustainable and prosperous Aboriginal tourism enterprises across the NT, leading to positive economic and social outcomes for Aboriginal communities.”